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Quincy Stotlar


Today I had my second to last day of my first class. I will be starting a new class on Tuesday. We had practice presentations for our final project today and are recording the final presentation tomorrow. My class got delayed so I got a croissant to-go, which was super good.

After class, I went to a cafe next to my apartment that I've been wanting to try. I had an chai latte while I got a lot of work done. Then, I got hungry but still had a lot of work so I ordered avocado toast. This was a bad idea considering I just wrote yesterday how bad the avocados are here, but the toast was gluten free to I wanted to see if it was any good. Well, it wasn't really like bread at all. It was more like compacted bird seed. Seriously, it was just sunflower seeds, nuts, and I think hard quinoa. It was definitely the worst meal I've had since I've been here. I luckily had plenty of food to eat at home after, since I didn't eat much of the avocado toast. Even though the food was bad, I got a lot of work done in the cafe and I think if I order something else next time it will be a better experience.

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