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Quincy Stotlar


This morning my professor's girlfriend had her baby so we went to a museum tour without him. The museum used to be the postal museum but they updated it in February to become the communications museum. They have some radios and phones and also have information on newer communication concerns like deep fakes, fake news, and privacy online. It was a small museum but in a cool part of town. After the tour, I went with my project group to a popular cafe chain called Espresso House and we started our final project. Our class ends next Friday, which makes the class feel so short.

Then, I went home and ate lunch before going out for a walk. There is a music festival happening this week called Distortion and I don't know any of the artists, but there are a lot of free events happening on the streets. I ended up getting some fries at a place who fries them fresh for each order. I ate a few but they were so hot so I set them on the table to cool and during that time, a pigeon flew up and snatched a fry out of my bowl. I had to throw them away because pigeons are so gross and I was going to order a new bowl but when I looked over, the power had gone out on the whole strip and they were turning customers away. It was very disappointing but the place is near my class so I can go again someday.

(RIP fries)

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1 Comment

Kimberly Stotlar
Jun 01, 2023

I need to see more pictures with your face - I miss it! 😘

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